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Wet Premium 1 lt - Hydro-Oil Repellent Reviver

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Wet Premium 1 lt - Hydro-Oil Repellent Reviver
The perfect stain protection for rough and polished surfaces.
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Stark 1 litre – Hydro-Oleo Neutral Repellent is an odourless solvent-based, long-lasting water-repellent stain remover, protective for rough and polished surfaces.

STARK has the appearance of a transparent liquid characterised by a high penetration capacityeven in very compact materials such as polished and honed marble, granite, slate, basalt and porphyry.

The product has its greatest use in the home furnishing sector where it provides an extremely good seal against both stainsof oily origin and the stains that daily soiling surfaces in the home.

In addition, STARK acts as a protectant against rising saltstransported by moisture, preventing haloing and bleaching in damp environments such as poolside areas, saunas and spas, i.e. environments with a high concentration of water vapour.

The product has great transpirability properties and if applied correctly – according to the recommended parameters – leaves the treated surface totally colourless. Excessive use may cause halos, which are easily removed with the use of a suitable solvent..

Stark 1 litre – Hydro-Oleo Neutral Repellent is sold in 1 litre bottles.

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Wet Premium 1 lt - Hydro-Oil Repellent Reviver

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